Demolition Expertise

Plant Demolition

We specialise in Plant Dismantling & Demolition of various mangnitude which include Concrete or Structural Sheds, Administrative Buildings, Silos, Chimney, Water tanks, Cooling Towers.

House Demolition

We have undertaken Building Demolition of Houses, Buildings ranging from 2 storeys to high rise buildings. We provide customised solutions for high rising buildings & tall structures.

Bridge Demolition

We undertake demolition of railway over bridges, elevated corridors, quality rejected segments of overhead bridges.

Pool Demolition

We can also demolish swimming pools using small machines for faster output.

Stadium Demolition

We have a team of professionals who are experts in this field and have been providing this service for many years. We are committed to safety and customer satisfaction.

Dam Demolition

We undertake demolition of Dams for government & semi government bodies.